Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Introduction To Rugs

Movable carpets with finished edges are called as rugs. This phrase was earlier used for the garments used by humans to protect their pets from climatic changes. Rugs can be used atop your carpets or even on plain floor. They are available in a variety of colors and designs and help change the appearance of the room. The different types of rugs are:

¨Persian rugs: These rugs contain complex designs. These can be used either on the floor or hung up on the walls.

¨American design rugs: These are of three types - hooked rugs, shirred rugs and braided rugs. Hooked rugs have different designs and sceneries pictured on them. Shirred rag rugs have different strips of fabric sewn together artistically in a network of rows and columns. Braided rugs are made up of color or multi-colored braids or threads.

¨Bearskin rugs: These rugs have derived their name from the fact that the material used in the making of this rug is similar to a bear’s skin in appearance.

There are a number of factors to be kept in mind when purchasing rugs for interior decoration. It is important to know beforehand specifically what your requirements are. Some important factors to be considered are:

a. Flooring decoration: Good flooring can give a pleasing look to your room and also thrill the minds of your guests. Decorating the flooring also keeps it free from soiling. So the rugs used to cover your flooring should not look odd.

b. Texture of rugs: Rugs of different colors and designs can be used to decorate the room. They are portable and easy to maintain. Choose which type of rug suits your room the most.

c. Cost: Rugs are less expensive than carpets and can be used anywhere. There are different qualities of rugs for all price ranges. Hence, you must select a rug that lies within your budget and at the same time also lends a good look to your room.

d. Warranty: When your purchase rugs, see if the dealer is known for being reliable and if he provides only authentic goods. Find out if there is any warranty period for the rugs and whether a provision to return the defective products is present.

e. Rugs should be fireproof and also withstand wear and tear.

f. Apart from all this, the rugs should not gather dust from the surrounding easily. In case this happens, it should be possible to clean the dust easily without much trouble.

Rugs come in different colors and textures. It must be chosen depending on the buyers’ taste. Among all the materials, nylon rugs are preferred due to their durability and ability to retain color after long usage. Other materials used in the manufacture of rugs are olefin, polypropylene, wool and cotton. If you have more children and if there is a chance of more dust accumulating on the rug, it is advisable to purchase a rug made of polypropylene as it is accumulates less dust and it is easier to clean it.

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